• Subject Name : Management

Stress Management Practices

Executive Summary of Building Resilience Approach

This report illustrated impact of the stress management system and action plan for building resilience approach. It highlights the approach and technique in stress management. Mind step implementation to improve resilience and adapting strategies to build resilience through social support system and monitoring them for progress.

Table of Contents

Executive summary.


Analysis of stress management strategy.

Action plan to improve resilience.


Reference list

Introduction to Resilience 

Resilience is the ability to adapt to the capacity to recover from difficult events in life (Moore, 2017). The stress manifest from interpersonal relationship at the workplace. Developing resilience helps to move ahead from setbacks and challenges. Stress affects decision ability and actions to complex problems. Maintaining balance to custom according to the situation is resilience. The report reflects the stress management practice using resilience factor topology.

Analysis of Stress Management Strategy

Stressor and stress reaction

Figure-1-Stressor and stress reaction

The response to stress is caused due to stress experienced with effect in situations of physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions to situations. The ability to control our behavior or appearance is self-management as a response to any situation (Henry, 2018).The investment banking role at Maryland increase stressful situation. I took measures to adapt stress management practice for developing resilience. The key changes I implemented are

  • I initiated practice to maintain a to-do list, it helps in the organization of work. Mindfulness and creation of self –deadline enhance belonging of self-achievement and prevents burnout (HBR, 2016). The organization of work will help me to meet time demands and prevent excessive burden at work.
  • Rejections cause draftiness in team and self-behavior. Feeling anxious and anticipating worst-case scenarios to face superior authority and peer group. I use self-talks to engage and lift my energy at work, the exercise schedule which I had made regular after work, apart from that I have started time off to increase my concentration by taking walks to do an errand at home.
  • Exercise as a primitive way to unwind after long work at Maryland created an opportunity for stress relief and relaxing with no other distraction. It enables to mediate and singularly helps in reducing stress.
  • The human resource team at Maryland created a support system by conducting face to face sessions to equip reasoning and discussions for health practice for reflective sessions. This encouraged adaption to role diversity. Peer support program for team spirit, empathy, and development of team ownership reduced rash and arrogance in my attitude towards the peer.Hyper scheduling of work and impatience has been replaced with creating time-based the goal for proper alignment and flexibility in work output.
  • Mid-week happy hours for encouraging the social and artistic qualities of employees. Maryland has designated Thursday for a 2-hour session for music, power talk, and other recreational activities. The employee relation survey takes suggestions for employee health, organization experience. 25 % of work stress is related to pro-longed hours at workstation causing damage to physical health (Barry, 2018)
  • The communication gap created a barrier at the decisive level at Maryland by improving open –door policy at all levels and creating clear communication at the management level prevents conflict among employees. Training and development by an organization to cope with the workload to adapt to a fast pace environment for work assigned (Hughes, 2019).
  • Taking up swimming as an external exercise to develop change from a work environment .Fast paced environment had left hobbies with less time. Previously unpursued activities are included in a weekly schedule

Resilience topology helps in carrying out operations and social systems with mental ability to withstand adversity. Workplace stress situation requires an approach for stress management. Lifestyle and direct resilience factor strategies include perception, skills, environment, social, personality, and physiology. Emotion well-being is essential, as work stress results in a breakdown. Emotional resilience help to understand the cause of situation which will boost healthy approach (Forbes, 2019).

Change in attitude to optimize situations is essential for survival to incorporate organization. The stressor creates ambiguity due to internal conflict .Perception change client belief and thinking to reinforce dynamic thinking. Managing emotions and impulse helped me to stay focus and listen to the thoughts of my teammates and partners in project collaboration. Reconnecting with self through resilience shows affirmation towards positive goals (Heintz, 2018). Swift action through building key objective shows will update on self-adversity to the situation. Learning and development by mentor reduced my anxiety at Maryland.

Skill development for problem-solving requires attention and focus. The motivation can be drawn through self by a focus on the subjective skills required to excel through variables for stress reactions (Barry, 2018). Inability to cope with pressure led to depressive mood and hatred emotions at Maryland. Reactions to a stressor are tapped by self-regularized emotions. It is necessary to bring changes in the daily routine at work to read, relax to seek joy from project delivery. The automatic response to stress is dependent on individual behavior. I tend to get distracted by changes incorporated whether minute or large. The mechanism to deal with stress depends on personnel discovery on tipping points as mentioned in the workplace stress figure.

Physiological resilience empowers us to overcome uncertainty enduring change in lifestyle. The physical well-being of engaging in physical activities to maintain time constraint demands. Maintaining well-being by working on flexibility will prevent exhaustiveness. Physiological stress occurrence during stress is common that leads to an eating disorder during impacting health adversely (Henry, 2018). Perception as a factor for optimism is developed with a notion relating to self-awareness. It reduced vulnerability under time constraints at Maryland, vigilance, focus at the current schedule, and work assigned for creating quality work.

Constructive feedback for improvement in essential so that it does not escalate to anxiety. Reward and recognition for self-esteem, boost confidence, and empower us to cope with overwhelming thoughts (Hughes, 2019).The matrix situation at Maryland encouraged me to take work measure technological support to take work with my key strengths as specialized individual projects to increase familiarity. As an introvert, I could not challenge an authority for dissatisfaction at work which with this framework family assisted me in this role.

Social factors determine our behavior with mentors, friends. Cultural development with engagement with the workforce created a collaborative environment to reduce situational stress. Round table meetings and open house discussions are social are reflective in collaborative interactions (HBR, 2016). It increases resilience with perspective and action for organizing and creating work with a push to maintain a work-life balance. Personality trait reflects behavior and thoughts. The personality trait of consciousness implies the tendency to be careful and reflects a hardworking attitude. The organization, punctuality will track measures and will ensure calmness.

Action Plan to Improve Resilience

An action plan is a list of tasks formed to improve resilience. It will help me in developing a structured plan to combat stress through the implementation of changes in behavior and personality. Workplace stress measure adapted creates physical, emotional reserve under stressful situations for a relative response. The stress response in the situation with correct optimization is critical (Holford, 2015). My leadership style as avoidance created a barrier with fellow members at Maryland. The impulsive reaction does create a loop in the action plan

  • Self-audit- Personality and perception factors will improve the response to stress. The identification of stress and stressor helps to focus on the emotional and behavioral aspects. The development of a caring community and inclusion of relaxation exercise creates meaningfulness and self-awareness. Reframing of challenges through examination and critical performance outlook helps to organize within gathering insights for growth and exemplary success for positive outcomes (Azri, 2020).Resilience for potential work situations such as job security, acknowledgment of efforts for the project will reduce the negative outcome. An optimistic outlook to cope with an event reduces stress and rational behavior. Foundation of action plan is to control anxiety and create emotional support to prevent it from becoming chronic. The direct impact of the action plan is on my work-life balance and creating a workable option and follow up on these measures are critical for building endurance. The development of self-control of activities at Maryland will provide self-satisfaction on work delivered. Adapting key skills at the individual level reflects a change in response to stress. The demanding working hours require a shift to sustainable skills. Exercise and meditation as a part of daily routine relax the mind from racing thoughts. Non-Management of time caused burnout, it affected by focus and drained me.
  • Help system – Social environment determines our behavior in coping with stress. Resilience involves acknowledging our flaws and interdependence on others (Henry, 2018). My high school friend Andy is my confidante and understands my behavior very well. My senior analyst Nate has made me familiar with the organization and is always available on call in case of emergency. Work at Maryland was fast-paced, solitude built confusion in workplace stress situations. My adaptiveness at Maryland is developed through experience and mentoring curated by my supervisor. They have a direct influence in guiding a long journey of the corporate world. Any perceived weakness should not be matched with others as a downward spiral. The need for the right support system is critical (Chen, 2016). A good organizational culture reduces stress. My close friends create ease and boost my self-worth and self-confidence through small talks. My lifestyle habits are improved with companionship with Andy. My parents create open discussion and provide external support with trust and faith to unwind after work at home. Building community through prioritization of relationships and creating empathy is the rue in the midst of turbulent times. Trustworthy relationships with team members create support for stress resilience. Creating responsibilities to improve trust within the Maryland team laterally led to increasing responsibility with fairness to discuss projects and rewarding culture puts down negative thoughts. Action plans foundation is to control anxiety and create external l support to prevent it from workplace stress. Self-isolation creates negative thoughts which can be subsided at work through brainstorming and seeking advice. Acknowledgment of stress and understanding of emotional situations helps to tackle the stressful scenarios (Heintz, 2019). The timelines in work led to be crucial that have led to negative thoughts, reduced weight, lack of physical activities and primarily spending time at work. Healthy dietary habits and relaxation will improve depressive mood with fall out of any project deadline and rejection created a pattern that reduced efficiency in the long run and caused irritability. Self-reflection will reduce anxiety and self-doubts with management through journals, confidence to take up new projects at work. An optimistic outlook to cope with an event reduces stress and rational behavior related to a lack of job security and increases job satisfaction at the workplace. The organization's stability for employees determines the cause-and-effect relationship in work scenario at the superior-subordinate role.
  • Mindset and implementation – My state of mind was fragile during initial months with the transition to the organization from academics. I have incorporated changes to maintain a work-life balance. The adaptability and implementation of a stress management plan are successful through inner introspection (Rees, 2019). Indulgence in the external measures through time management, and developing life-cycle for improving stress resilience creates an opportunity to use flexible ways to answer questions about our lifestyle, the stressors are the first stage point in input divergence for activities. The inert personality and social behavior are dependent on the cordial relationship developed through working rapport with my staff at the company. The changes listed will be incorporated through all changes to be administered. I have developed a growth mindset to achieve my efficiency at work and put my academic learning in solving investment banking complex problems. I have embraced the failure of the past by mending fences with my partner at the company through the mentor-employee program. Setting up measurable goals and enthusiasm through deal insights at work will create a new set up than the previous team alignment. Personal development is a key goal that I have adjacent for myself, this will improve my performance and help in creating the new limit for comparison with self. Organizational training for building models, structural understanding of software have made me agile. The increased responsibility at work to delivered quality work at stated timelines interferes with employee health. My sleep cycle was obscured by the work shift which extended after work hours assignments relating to senior clients created stressful situations. Self –affirmation now after overcoming loneliness will help in developing a change in lifestyle and a clear understanding of work and through new regime and meditation that will be followed now. The outcome-based thought process and coping through transformation are key mindset
    1. Outcome-oriented thought process- Setting up objective and evaluating and monitoring the same at work create work-life balance. Resilient people will overcome and thrive in adverse situations by balance reciprocity (Schnall, 2018). It will determine behavior on situations and resilience to adapt to changing environments. Investment baking is a dynamic industry with a decision turnaround work foundation to create action for the probable scenario to accommodate delay, ability, and functioning accordingly. Maintaining of sleep hygiene to address the racing thoughts and provide self -relaxation. Employee stress due to structural change at an investment firm. Enduring adversity through self may create isolation which will self-harm than creating resilience .Coping through personal growth and learning mistakes create resilience towards personal growth and development creates self-efficiency improvement of measures. The health of an individual that caused by acute strain and work pressure can be reduced through progressive setup
  • Coping through transformation- Coping is essential to be in accordance with the change. Digital use and ICT are a tool used for transformational coping as a fundamental pathway between an unhealthy lifestyle and a work environment (Schnall, 2018). An emotional and physical coping strategy is a resilience approach that is a mix of emotional support and emotional venting and practical support from the team. An emotional outlook will make an individual more focused to challenge project delays and conflict at the workplace. Modification of through digital medium creates a tabular view for creating a relaxed environment through personalized feeds. The key influence of stress is on actions and independent behavior, turbulent times reduce our efficiency. My career downturn in initial months was hit by a single set back. Coping stress in a step by step method through action plan cumulatively reduces the effects Stress influences individual behavior depending on resilience and impact of the situation on an individual. Individual behavior through a transformative approach creates a wellbeing pool guided by trusted fellow peers, parents.
  • Progress measurement for successful implementation – Set up of work environment for workload and management practice to ensure wellbeing and productivity (Weinberg, 2015). Tracking of behavior is essential to monitor adaptability to stressful situations. Measuring these practices is difficult as the qualitative aspect is inclusive in them. Perception towards the situation to create our own objective, layers situations to unfold against us. The purpose of the action plan is to redirect all energies towards resilience building through substantial changes in lifestyle. The plan lists the reformed measures for ensuring proper resilience. A scale measurement to measure effectiveness at the end of every month is vital. Gratitude towards others as a value to human behavior change will improve through resilience. The independent scale used in the action plan weighs the activities on the basis of importance to wellbeing. The new set of activities will be practiced over a course of six months. Physical activities will be secondary in implementation. Mediation, gratitude, listening to music, internet usage will be regular on at standard time frame all week. Careful take way of activities will help me in reducing un-productive and harmful practices earlier used. A journal will ensure the daily course of activities and my inputs as an individual on the outcome from them. To ensure that the action plan is in motion framing and reframing of objectives cab be done to put in order so that proper time is allocated to ideal changes. Distribution of activities into valid categories of deliverables and potential outcomes in achievable, alteration and avoidance show considerable pain points for resilience.

Conclusion on Building Resilience Approach

From the above discussion and understanding it is described that resilience as adaptation under difficult circumstance. Resilience assist to anticipate and prevent stressful situation through stress management techniques. Action plan to improve resilience states a full-fledged plan for adaptively coping and bounce back from setbacks and failure. Resilience factor typology depicts direct and lifestyle behavior to stress impact and empower individual. The report addresses the implementation and monitoring of plan through setting internal objectives in line with outcomes expected in a stressful situation.

Reference list for Building Resilience Approach

Azri, S(2020). Unlock your inner resilience: Strategies for dealing with life’s challenge. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley publishers.

Barry, H. (2018). Emotional resilience: How to safeguard your mental health. London, UK: Hachette

Chen, D. (2016). Stress management and prevention–Applications to daily life. NY, US: Taylor and Francis 

Forbes. (2019). Emotional intelligence at work becoming the leader of the future. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/10/17/emotional-intelligence-at-work-becoming-the-leader-of-the-future/#1804296c7991

HBR. (2016). Steps to be taken when you feel burnout. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2016/06/steps-to-take-when-youre-starting-to-feel-burned-out

Henry, J. Eshleman, J. Moniz, R. (2018).The dysfunctional library: Challenges and solutions to workplace relationships. Chicago, USA: ALA editions.

Holford, P. Lawson, and S. (2015) .The stress cure: How to resolve stress, build resilience, and boost your energy. London, UK: Piatkus

Hughes, R. Kinder, A. Cooper, C.L. (2019). The wellbeing workout: How to manage stress and develop resilience. London, UKPalgrave Macmillan publication

Moore, K. Buchwald, P. (2017). Stress and anxiety: coping and resilience. Berlin, Germany: Lagos Verlag Berlin

Rees. (2019).The resilience toolkit: Powerful way to thrive in blue-light services. London, UK: SRA Books.

Schnall, P.L. Rosskam, E. Elling, H.R. (2018).Unhealthy Work: Causes, Consequences, Cures. NY, USARoutledge.

Weinberg, A. Sutherland, V. Cooper, C. (2015). Organizational stress management: A strategic approach. NY, USA: Springer

Heintz, S. Ruch. W. 2019. Character strengths and job satisfaction: Differential relationships across occupational groups and adulthood. Journal of international society for quality of life studies

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