• Subject Name : Management

Project Proposal

Table of Contents


Resource Planning.


Resource Management:



Introduction to Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices

Supported housing is a housing scheme where housing services include support and care services. These schemes could be divided into two parts a) Short Term scheme: where housing is provided until emotional needs, care and support are provided until occupant is ready to join mainstream housing, and b) Long Term scheme: Here the services are long term. In UK at any point in time around 60000 people rely on supported housing for support and secure living. Supported housing helps people to live independently within society. These schemes use, refuges, hostels, sheltered housing, and long term accommodation for peoples like people with mental illness, learning disabilities, recovering from domestic violence, substance misuse, or elderly people (homeless link n.d.). We Midlands Healthcare are developing a project of supported housing for people suffering from mental illness, with name Mental Health Supported Housing Project.

Midland Healthcare provides secure homes for residents weather they need nursing facilities or just a stimulating place to live. Directors have more than 40 years of experience for elderly caring. We are currently working in four locations in East Midlands. ‘Midland’s Goals:

  • Our short term goals includes: Improvement in management systems and productivity, Access to more capital gains, Planning and arranging resources for online housing registration portal and performance management systems (online), Improving service.
  • Medium term goals: Implementing the portal and performance managing systems, recruiting and training staff for future expansion, creating other source of incomes and cost cutting.
  • Long term goals: Growing from four locations to 10 locations, and creating housing schemes for different kinds of diseases and issues like women recovering for domestic violence.

Resource Planning

Resource planning could be defined as act of utilizing and allocating resources to maximize the efficiently of resources while doing so to know the availability of various resources simultaneously. Resource can be anything that a company utilizes be it money, humans, softwares, rooms etc (GANTTIC, 2015).

According to Hofer and Schendel the important reason for firms to need to draw up strategies is to help them in allocation of strategic resources (Maritan and Lee, 2017). There’s need for more multidisciplinary like technical, economic, cognitive, organizational, and interpersonal approach rather than just quantitative approach is needed for resource allocation it would help in overall making resource available and freeing up resources (Maritan and Lee, 2017).

Companies these days have adopted systems that are packaged with integration of various activities in an organisation. As information of every department is feeded in the tool, these packages help in keeping track of all resources helps in management of resources and help in optimum use of every resource. These systems help organisations with supply chain, human resources management, accountings, inventory management, customer management and every activities or need that takes place in modern business activities (Ragowsky and Somers, 2014).

With increase in demands of healthcare and economic crisis ERP systems are adopted by the healthcare companies to reduce cost, improve quality of healthcare and getting better operational efficiency. In order to get best out of ERP systems depends on managers of healthcare organisation and the choice of the ERP systems, it’s installation and usage (Garefalakis, Mantalis, Vourgourakis, Spinthiropoulos, and Lemonakis, 2016). It is essential to implement ERP systems in healthcare because data transferred by information systems are sensitive medical data which is important for correct diagnosis of patients and patient care. So need for accurate and reliable data transfer is very high in Healthcare systems as compared to other fields where the loss is in terms of money basis.

Hospital resource planning (HRP) can be considered as a step into ERP systems in hospitals. These systems help to coordinate activities of individual patients hence shortening the time of stay in hospitality services. ERP software assumes that time remainsconstant to utilization rate to solve this problem APS (Advanced Planning system) is developed. APS go through numerous results and adjusting them until they produce an optimal schedule for a work while making most efficient use of resources (Merode, Groothuis and Hasman, 2004).

People other than which could be considered as resources:

  • Key Stakeholders: These are the people who majorly invest in the project, they are the one who manages the project from the top.
  • Local authorities: Local authorities are helpful when initiating projects like this. Local authorities are the one who will fund this scheme under Government of UK.
  • Third sector: These are the person who really brings change on ground level. No healthcare or supported housing scheme is possible without volunteers.

Healthcare workers works in distressing situations, that might include patients becomes really stressed, deterioting health of patients or even death. We must ensure to lower down stress through various means as much as possible. There’s always the risk of feeling physically unwell seeing the medical procedures (leisterhospitals.nhs.uk n.d.).

While providing housing some ethical aspects must be considered like informed concent, confidentiality, anonymity and voluntary participation. (mypeer.org n.d.)


Various sources of funding that can be considered are:

Government Funding:

Various governments all over the world provide funding to supported housing schemes example: a recent policy by government of UK for adjustable funding approach for this sector came into effect from April 2020. Alongside UK government, Department of work and pensions and local governments are also funding this scheme under this policy (GOV.UK, 2017). Government funding is the safest and quickest way to get appropriate funds with less risk. One of the benefit of government funding is it provides funds at a very low interest rates and does not expect returns sooner. For supported housing scheme government has divided funding models into 3 broad categories:

  • Sheltered housing and extra care supported housing: This is mainly designed for elderly people this helps them to stay for longer periods are independently.
  • Long-term support: These are for people with physical disabilities and mentally ill patients. These are very specialised housing systems.
  • Short-term and transitional support: These housing schemes are for homeless people, residents feeling and recovering for domestic violence, and people recovering from drug or substance abuse.

(Department for Communities and Local Government & Department for Work & Pensions, 2016)

Bank Loans:

Banking institutions provides huge financial backing in the form of loans to corporations and businesses. To have a bank loan one must have a plan, profit forecast and time of maturity. Before applying for bank loan it is important to know options and interest rates that come with each option. Bank loans generally requires a lot of documentations (business history, success and challenges) which could prove to be time consuming, however, benefits of these loans are that they have many options available according to business funding needs, the funding process is quick and business does not need to give up control of business when taking financial backing from banks. With increase in finance systemsand online services it becomes very easy to apply and get business/ housing loans. Benefit of a bank loan are it’s options of various policies and once your loans get passed there’s very less need to worry about control or early returns.

Venture Capitalists:

Venture capitalists (VC) are professionally managed funds who invest companies with big potential. VC funds the project after completion of first stage of project and helps company grows until it is ready to go public. Before investing Venture capitalists have a lot of due diligence, they can spend a lot of money to conduct research about their investment prospects. One of the benefit of investment from Venture Capitalist is they have an investment committee, that work together to make decisions so that all decisions are objective and pragmatic, however they can give up little bit control over project if project owner is not interested in mentorship or unwilling to compromise. As VCs is a large investment organisation it is at most necessary to make sure everything looks professional and documents that will be submitted is VC friendly (Rockies Venture Club 2014). They expect their returns within 10 years of investment and little returns coming in after 2 years of funding. VC’s investment in any real estate project is at “Land cost” stage (from very initial stage to completion). VC’s real estate fund reduces the risk of real estate as very diversified portfolio is being offered and managed by experienced investment managers (Secura Fund n.d.)

From the sources of funding specified above the sources of funding for this project will be: Government funding as it is easiest, fastest and least risky way of loan, and Bank loans as VC’s would expect early returns which could be less possible in these kinds of projects.

Factors that can influence healthcare funding are:

  • Financial stability
  • Purpose and time period
  • Risk profile
  • Control over project.
  • Flexibility and ease

Resource Management

Resource management could be described as managing, acquiring and allocating resources such as machineries, natural resources, materials, monetary resources or individuals, their skills, man power etc. Resource management ensures external and internal resources are used efficiently and effectively on time and budget. Resources can be obtained both internally and externally. As resources have always been limited resource management allows effective use of resources. Resource management has standardized procedures and processes this saves wasting of resources and prevents finances from being spent on wrong things which could prove significant cost saving factor. The best way to manage project resources is: Allocation, Aggregation and Scheduling(association of project manegement n.d.).

Since the success of a company highly depends upon the performance of employees. That’s why HR department is the key to efficient performance management system. Some points of resource management that could be used to improve the performance of staff, care team and organisation are:

  • Goal Setting: Individuals come together and forms organisations for the purpose of attaining goals and management is fundamental to organisational development. Goal setting plays an important role in optimising and evaluating the performance of employees. It should be known that the performance goals of the employees should ideally align to the goals of company or organization.

Common types of goals are Job description goal, behavioural goals, Project goals, Stretch goals. In addition it must be kept in mind that goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. It is well known that goal setting is related to productivity.(Becker, 1978)

  • Performance Review:Performance review could be said as accessing the performance of the staff with respect to goal. Performance evaluation involves subjective and objective considerations for measuring and evaluating employee’s performance. Effective performance review should include: Continuous feedback process, a good and effective dialogue system to make clear company and individual goals, process of acknowledging the outcomes review and conversations between staff and the manager (SHRM n.d.)
  • Performance Improvement Plans: Performance improvement plans include both employees who are new to role and employees who are falling short of what is expected from them. According to study by Gavriloff (2012) performance improvement plans used in medical industry can make great difference in the performance of employees. In his study on nurses for using medication safety software, his plan includes: Improving communication with nurses/ care tea: For this the PI team invited nurses to attend simulated scenarios, this allowed identification of problems that nurses and other staff face, the feedback then taken and forwarded to other teams for improvement of more user friendly software are systems .Staff education: The education programme was made into many phases, education co-ordinator was employed to give in-depth knowledge co-ordinator focused on importance of strategies and the knowledge and how it will be helpful for healthcare and staff within two months this part was completed. Acquisition of technology: This plays an important role in management and achieving long term goal of an organization, feedback by nurses further helped in identifying the type of technology needed for the organization. Adherence Monitoring: The goal was set at 100%, after first month of education of staff the adherence rate was 68% which was much above baseline. After encouragement mails by seniors about keeping up rate to 85%, resulted in 85% adherence rate within a week. Recruitment of staff to facilitate communication between PI teams and nurses (Called Medication safety champions): These members fulfilled two purposes first they served as the communication between nurses and Performance Improvement team and to share both positive and negative feedback this helped the management team to make different working models and make changes in the organisation(Gavriloff 2012). This system has created significant improvement in the performance of the nurses. Implementing these kinds of performance improvement strategies in Midland Healthcare Services would further help staff, workers as well as whole organisation.
  • Economic Factors: Economic factors are the most important factor when managing resources. It must be noted that need of capital is the most important aspect when expanding. Economic factors also includes: Current Tax policies, market situations, liquid money etc.

Additionally, according to Uduma, Galligan, Mollel, Masanja, Bradley and McAuliffe (2017) Systematic and structured approach to support and supervision of health workers can improve human resource management functions at health facilities Effective human resource management includes Employee training and development, employee empowerment, appraisal and compensation systems. According to the study by Kumar, Mohamed, Eric, Chee et al (2012) it was found out that Training and development, appraisal system and compensation are the most important factors for employees.

Goals and Budgetory restrictions:

Our company’s vision is to provide high quality care in warm and comfortable “home to home” environment. Supporting and giving voice, choices and rights to individuals (Midland Healthcare Ltd, n.d.)

Our short term goals includes:Improvement in management systems and productivity, Access to more capital gains, Planning and arranging resources for online housing registration portal and performance management systems (online), Improving service.

  • Points and studies mentioned above like study by Graviloff(2012), for nursing software, will prove to be very helpful in creating systems for increasing productivity of existing staff.
  • Making more capital gains will prove most important factor for future expansion of business.
  • Improvement in service by employing service managers and educating the staff of new ways to work.
  • During pandemic and economic breakdown moving online wherever we can will help us in running housing schemes.
  • Pandemic will affect short term goals the most as compared to medium term and long term goals (as economies are already recovering), to maintain financial stability we must identify the main pain points brought by COVID-19 and then considering offensive and defensive strategies to address these points. Creative problem solving will prove to be utmost importance during these times (Coloradobiz 2020).

Medium-term goals: Implementing the portal and performance managing systems, recruiting and training staff for future expansion, creating other sources of income and cost-cutting.

  • After planning and arranging the capital designing and implementation of the portal would prove to be a easy task, still there would be need for training for new systems.
  • Setting up recruitment of new staff especially managers, PI teams, personnel for communication between on-ground staff and higher authorities, young care teams, and their training and education. This will be helpful when Midlands will be expanding to other locations.
  • Other sources of income like short term nursing care, transformation of some housing to more comfortable and luxurious facilities will be helpful for us to manage current financial instabilities.

Long term goals/Ethics: Growing from four locations to 10 locations, and creating housing schemes for different kinds of diseases and issues like women recovering for domestic violence.

  • Biggest problem with long term goal will be economic problems due to current pandemic but history has shown us that economies recover after the downfall.
  • Pandemic will not affect Midland’s long term goals as “Around 49% of CFOs from large UK companies predicts return of same business levels as pre-pandemic in second half of 2021” (World Economic Forum 2020).
  • Another 33% predicts that business will return same in first half of 2021, additionally 10% of UK top CFOs says that business has already bounced back. (World Economic Forum 2020)
  • Managing short term and long term goals would prove to be very helpful before stepping for expansion.

It must be noted that the care is provided under contractual basis, accommodation where the housing is not owned by local authorities, the local council evaluate that the requirement of individuals are taken care of by providers. Housing providers must register to Care Quality Commission (CQC). Sometimes it must be registered for regulated activity. Health and safety regulations also need to be met for supported housing. 

Importent legal aspects includes:

  • Construction
  • Maintainance agreements
  • Service level agreements
  • Forward funding agreements
  • Development agreements, planning and works conditionality.

Conclusion on Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices

More than 60,000 people rely on supported housing schemes in UK and these number is going to increase as a negative impact of Pandemic like Depressions, increase in number of domestic violence etc. Mental health supported housing will create great difference in our society. For this initially, we are relying on two main objectives Resource planning and Resource Management. Studies and types shown in this proposal has shown us these systems could make efficient use of resources, and making resources available. This will help us in Midland’s future expansion. Source of funding selected for the mental housing scheme is Government Funding and Bank Loans. Additionally since there are very less supported housing systems for mental health it will prove to be great use for the citizens.

References for Effectiveness of Human Resource Management Practices

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