• Subject Name : Management

Table of Contents

Report Part 1: Steelco.


Structuring Architecture Functions.

Explanation of number of Architects required.


Report Part 2: MultiCorp.


Case Background.

Operating Model of MultiCorp.

Standardised Business Process.

Specific Data Types.

Highest level of IT structure.


Report Part 3: FinCorp.


Case Background.

Issues with installed EA tools.

Uses of the EA tools.

Core Concept of data and information.

Role of Audit and Compliance Standards.

Benefits of the new tools.


Reference List

Report Part 1: Steelco

Introduction to Steelco

Architecture Infrastructure for any company is useful for aligning and managing the sequence of working alignment and development of process integration (Mor et al. 2018). The situational analysis of the architecture for the company requires identifying the essential functions and the possible number of components. The alignment of the critical features for the development of practical study ensures the identification of the infrastructure. The case study of Steelco has been considered in this report for identifying the complex operations of an organisation. The support and development of activities have been prominent for enabling the operations as per the managed functions alignment.

Structuring Architecture Functions

The structure of Steelco is a highly centralised structure that can ensure the specialisation on the fabrication of a single line of products as well as a complex and diversified business model. The division ensures practical management performance evaluation (Mansbridge 2020). The structure of Steelco has effective and improved analysis methods that can enable the factors for developing the essential options and development. The imperative development of structured architecture development can help in issuing the changes in the formal evaluation of activities. The identified structure of the company has two divisions, namely Alpha and Beta.

Alpha division involves the specialisation on the fabrication of a single line of products with its centralised manufacturing unit. The system has an active network infrastructure that can help in communicating with the employees and customers. The IT investment in the unit is dependent on automation (Williamson 2018). All the processes require field setup and automation for working effectively. The progress of the sales and delivery of functions can help in enabling support function management. The structure enables the operations for production, warehouse, delivery, and sales. 

The beta division has a complex and diversified business model with three core lines of products forcing market segmentation and customers’ diversification. The unit includes the distribution channel, manufacturing process, marketing campaign, and sales approach (Mor et al. 2018). It has helped establish fabrication from raw materials procured from the same suppliers. The increment of the customer bases has ensured the probable factors aligning with the activities for accommodating changes in the effective communication processes.

Explanation of Number of Architects Required

Unit Alpha of Steelco requires 150-180 in-house and 100-120 contract specialists for their operations. It is because the unit involves the specialisation on the fabrication of a single line of products with its centralised manufacturing unit. Unit Beta has 400-500 IT specialist for their operations as it has three core lines of products forcing market segmentation and customers’ diversification.

Conclusion on Steelco

Hence, the divisions of Steelco required setting effective strategy for innovating and managing the features for activity setting. The centralised management of works had been responsible for enabling the factors for the continued work structure. The secure architecture had been responsible for setting the alignment of useful attitudes of enabling finite management processing. The continuation of the operations in response to the infrastructure development had been responsible for controlling the alignment of useful operations. The progress of enabling and managing the operations was aligned with the activities in the presence of imperative development.

Report Part 2: MultiCorp

Introduction to MultiCorp

The following study deals with a diversified as well as a multi-profile company named MultiCorp which consists of three practical and strategic units for running the business successfully. The company provides services to different industry sectors of several brands so that it has divided its business into three subsidiary business units such as “Unit Beta, Unit Gamma as well as Unit Alpha". The units help the entire company to deal with different parts of the business along with its financial requirements and without the help of any new intervention (Bollard et al. 2017). However, the company now intends to improve the customer experience by providing them customised services and offers so that they can be engaged with the business more fluently. The following sections would help identify the business process of the company, along with the data type and its effective IT structure that have helped the business to be successful in the competitive market.

Case Background

The case study has evaluated the factor that the multi-profile company, named MultiCorp, has divided its business into three specific subsidiary units such as Alpha, Beta as well as Gamma. Unit alpha is responsible for managing the business side of the food manufacturing, which helps in distributing the various food items such as groceries, vegetables, dairy products and meats. On the other hand, Unit Beta deals with the strategic business of dealing with the restaurants that help in controlling a chain of fast-food restaurants in a low-cost market. The other unit named Gama Unit helps in running a valid chain of some resort hotels. However, the competitive strategy of this company has helped the company to provide the best services to its potential customers for years (Berruti et al. 2017). Now the company intends to develop some loyalty programs for engaging more customers in the business.

Operating Model of MultiCorp

The business operational model of this particular company has been divided into three major strategic units such as Alpha Unit, Beta Unit, as well as the Gamma Unit. However, the central head office has been charged to maintain the governing of this company so that all the operational processes, including the financial performance, is maintained by it. The process does not require any operational intervention since the three units help in maintaining three significant parts of the business.

However, it has been identified that the Unit alpha, which deals with the food manufacturing, is responsible for delivering the food products to not only the major food retailers but also to the local food shops. A significant number of unit-wide functions are engaged with the process, including accounting, HR, legal, logistics, marketing, finance, as well as the sales market (Kerr et al. 2018). On the other hand, Unit Beta, which maintains the restaurant business, helps in running near about 80 restaurants in different locations along with a different business strategy. The prices and other expenses of the restaurants vary from place to place, and unlike the other restaurants, every restaurant is run by a different chef manager. The manager of every restaurant makes the decisions regarding the business processes including recruiting, procurement, cleaning, training, servicing and other processes along with chain-wide branding. The managers of the restaurants are responsible for profit as well as loss statements and making strategic decisions based on business operations.

The last unit is the Gamma unit which helps in operating the resort hotels that deal with high prices as well as exclusive premium offers to the customers. It not only helps in improving the brand strategy but also focuses on improving the customer experience. This operational model intends to build a long-lasting relationship with the customers that the company can be able to maintain the customer retention rate effectively.

Standardised Business Process

The study has evaluated the factor that the three subsidiary units of the company MultiCorp have helped the business to standardise the existing business process and develop the business. The units are Alpha Unit, Beta Unit and Gamma Unit.

The business process of the Alpha unit helps in distributing different food items, including groceries, meat, dairy products and others using different product lines. The product lines need to involve different storage arrangements, production procedures, transportation arrangements, as well as an active product department (Sharma et al. 2020). Multicorp has been able to provide the food items to the major retailers as well as the local food shops by maintaining this particular business process along with the maintenance of all product lines.

On the other hand, the business process of the Beta Unit has provided the opportunity of running more than 80 restaurants in different low-cost areas. This business process leads to the strategy where the chef managers of every restaurant decide the prices and expenses of the services, including menu, offers and others. The managers are also responsible for determining the procurement, cooking, cleaning, training and servicing decisions by aligning the chain-wide branding.

The business process of the Gamma Unit helps in offering high-price resort hotels services aligned with some exclusive premium offers to the customers. This strategy not only helps in providing services but also focuses on the building of a long-lasting customer relationship (Sharma et al. 2020). The leadership of the particular unit has decided to standardise the back-office processes as well for satisfying the suppliers as well as the service providers that can bring positive changes in the sales.

Specific Data Types

The company needs to collect data regarding its financial performance along with the applied competitive strategies, yearly profits as well as budget allocation. Each unit of the company has been responsible for data integration and delivers it to the company authority. For example, Alpha Unit deals with the food manufacturing business so that it is responsible for providing data regarding the transportation processes and cost, development of the product lines, the required equipment and cost as well as marketing support. Unit Beta helps in competing within the restaurant business industry. It has been responsible for providing data regarding the local markets of every restaurant aligned with the standardised policies, supporting equipment and its cost as well as the working procedures (Kerr et al. 2018). Since the chef managers of every restaurant are responsible for the profit and loss statement, they are required to provide every detailed information to MultiCorp monthly or yearly. The last unit is Gamma Unit deals with premium quality services to the customers through the engagement in the resort hotels industry. It intends to build an active and healthy relationship with the customers by collecting proper information regarding the customers, transaction histories, providing attracting offers and their preferences. Along with that, this unit is responsible for calculating the cost of providing personalised discounts, customised services, brand promotion and launching of different loyalty programs.

Highest Level of IT Structure

Each of the units has been provided with an experienced managing director who has control over the competitive strategy, yearly profit, budget allocation, as well as investment priorities. The most effective IT structure has been identified in the Gamma unit since it deals with not only customer satisfaction but also maintaining the brand by different activities such as loyalty programs, brand promotion and others.

Conclusion on MultiCorp

The overall study has dealt with the business process and its effectiveness of the diversified company Multicorp which has divided its business into three units such as Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Each of the units has dealt with different business activities which have helped the company to gain profit in the competitive market. The alpha unit has maintained the product lines while the Beta unit has been responsible for running a restaurant business in different low-cost places. The Gamma Unit has an active IT cut structure which has allowed the unit to not only provide exclusive premium services to customers but also develop some activities for promoting the brand of resort hotels services of this particular company, Multicorp.

Report Part 3: FinCorp

Introduction to FinCorp

According to Hansen and Hacks (2017), Enterprise Architecture (EA) plays a significant role in enabling the proper management of the development process. It enables the identification of proper working structure for enabling the identification of the operations. The management can ensure the essential functions that align with the information system implementation for FinCorp Company. The analysis can enable the activities aligning with the key configuring the identification of architecture for practice in aligning with the essential functional work alignment. The activities can enable critical consideration of activities. The company requires the alignment of business work alignment and management of critical functional development.

Case Background

FinCorp deals in financial services and provides its customers with the effective use of information system development. The EA architecture can help in ensuring the management of the activities. The company requires the use of effective communication and development process for ensuring the identified management of the situation. The EA tools can help the company to align with the valid identification of processes and platforms. It can help in managing the situation for aligning and managing the critical consideration for operations. The organisation setting requires the management of EA for ensuring critical business decision making.

Issues with Installed EA Tools

The new EA tool in FinCorp is very advanced and sophisticated as the company needs transparency in operations, improved business operations, and IT alignment. The EA tools have been installed in the central repository for analysing and developing the functional development of works (Lapalme et al. 2016). The identification of the critical activities can ensure the factors, which can lead to the evaluation of work improvement. The complex structure of the new EA structure can be managed by architects only. No other stakeholders can manage the situation and align with the consideration of work.

The EA tools have been incorporated into the structure of aligning and managing critical work development. The management of useful works can help in keeping the situation for controlled development. The managed sequence of composition can help in enabling the management of activities and develop the process for implied management process. However, the EA is costly, and it requires special skills for using the performance review. They are not able to exploit the system for crucial decision making and system analysis. The situational analysis can result in forming significant issues in the development of formal issues and problems.

Uses of the EA Tools

The EA tools can help in integrating the existing structure of FinCorp and form identification of essential working alignment. The management of the operations of financial service and customer information can be eased (Hinkelmann et al. 2016). The implied benefits include the critical identification of the service portal management. The development can align with the imperative management and development of operations. The considered management of EA tools can enable the alignment of the EA structure by personal development. The sequence of working management can ensure the factors that can help in managing the progress of identified processes.

The use of the EA tools can bring consistency for the operations of the company. The identified features can also bring about the probable management and functional alignment to adhere to the activities. The management can enable the development of operations in response to the development of working management. The reuse of the existing information is another significant benefit for FinCorp as it supports the management of critical working development. The possible work development enables the support from the as-is structure of the company. The imperative development of the critical activities can ensure the operations in response to the factors developing.

Core Concept of Data and Information

EA infrastructure requires integrating data model for smooth operations and sequence development. The process improvement for data management enables the identified setting for factor improvement and development (Niemi and Pekkola 2017). The identification of the process innovation can result in the corporation of activities. Business modelling enables the sequence management and alignment of the features with the concept of innovation and development. The data management in FinCorp requires the successful integration of enterprise data architecture (EDA). The sequence of effective working management for developing the key data management process. The implication of EA can enable the structured data supporting strategy development, improvement of activities, and business decision making. The structure guides and aligns for ensuring the progress setting management as per the essential data architect. The enabling of the data and information improvement helps in supporting the growth of productivity and agility. The formal progress of analysis can help in keeping the factors aligned with the process development and improved setting.

Role of Audit and Compliance Standards

Audits and Compliance can help in setting improved standards for the execution of activities and management of critical personal development. The auditing of the information system structure of EA can ensure that all the operations are integrated effectively (Safari, Faraji and Majidian 2016). The progress ensures the aligned significance for managing the factor development. The probable development improvement has helped support the activities for analysing and developing the compliance work system. The EA has helped attain business function alignment as it can enable the profound analysis of operations concerning the enabled performance measure. It can help in analysing the data from the past reports and database for evaluating any scenario and take the required decisions for the business continuation.

Benefits of the New Tools

The new tools of EA can help FinCorp for distribution of tasks and setting effective practice of working management. The new tools can ensure the continued evaluation of activities in response to the operations. The progress of using the EA infrastructure is enduring critical management processes. The new tools can help in aligning for distribution of work. The analysis of works distribution requires the setting of the practical and identified processes for alignment. The identified process management can enable the focusing of work responsibility in alignment with the expertise.

Since all the operations can be integrated, it can enable the measures of performance for enabling the practical assessment with the development opportunities. The employees of FinCorp can distribute the work by the implied functions for enabling the operations. The critical working management and the proper setting of the graphs can help in aligning with the considerable development of active development setting. The alignment can ensure the features for managing the progress of the administration set. EA helps in ensuring the administration of works for FinCorp as it has remote features, by which the owners of the company can keep on checking the progress.

Conclusion on FinCorp

Hence, it can be concluded that the implication of EA infrastructure can help in ensuring the factors for developing and managing the operations for developing the works. The study of the case study of FinCorp and implication of EA had helped in identifying the key issues that can arise from the business process integration. Lack of knowledge and skill was one of the significant issues in the successful alignment of the EA. The training and development had been suggested for ensuring that the employees of FinCorp can use the EA infrastructure and align the critical business development process.

Reference List for Identifying and Evaluating Enterprise Architecture Risks

Berruti, F., Nixon, G., Taglioni, G. and Whiteman, R., 2017. Intelligent process automation: The engine at the core of the next-generation operating model. Digital McKinsey, March.

Bollard, A., Larrea, E., Singla, A. and Sood, R., 2017. The next-generation operating model for the digital world. Digital McKinsey”, March.

Hansen, P. and Hacks, S., 2017. Continuous delivery for enterprise architecture maintenance. Full-scale Software Engineering/The Art of Software Testing56.

Hinkelmann, K., Gerber, A., Karagiannis, D., Thoenssen, B., Van der Merwe, A. and Woitsch, R., 2016. A new paradigm for the continuous alignment of business and IT: Combining enterprise architecture modelling and enterprise ontology. Computers in Industry79, pp.77-86.

Kerr, L.A., Morse, M.R., Cadrin, S.X. and Galuardi, B., 2018. Application of an Atlantic bluefin tuna operating model to generate pseudodata for stock assessment testing. ICCAT Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap74(6), pp.3405-3426.

Lapalme, J., Gerber, A., Van der Merwe, A., Zachman, J., De Vries, M. and Hinkelmann, K., 2016. Exploring the future of enterprise architecture: A Zachman perspective. Computers in Industry79, pp.103-113.

Mansbridge, J., 2020. Architecture, Infrastructure, and Urban Performance in Hong Kong. Theatre Journal72(2), pp.197-218.

Mor, N., Allman, E., Pratt, R., Lutz, K. and Kubiatowicz, J.D., 2018. An Architecture for a Widely Distributed Storage and Communication Infrastructure. Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2018-130, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley.

Niemi, E. and Pekkola, S., 2017. Using enterprise architecture artefacts in an organisation. Enterprise information systems11(3), pp.313-338.

Safari, H., Faraji, Z. and Majidian, S., 2016. Identifying and evaluating enterprise architecture risks using FMEA and fuzzy VIKOR. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing27(2), pp.475-486.

Sharma, R., Levontin, P., Kitakado, T., Kell, L., Mosqueira, I., Kimoto, A., Scott, R., Minte‐Vera, C., De Bruyn, P., Ye, Y. and Kleineberg, J., 2020. Operating model design in tuna Regional Fishery Management Organizations: Current practice, issues and implications. Fish and Fisheries.

Williamson, B., 2018. The hidden architecture of higher education: building a big data infrastructure for the ‘smarter university’. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education15(1), pp.1-26.

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