• Subject Name : Management

Critical Analysis of The Dialogue/Interaction and Its Pedagogical Significance

Introduction to Interaction Analysis

In the context of Early Year Learning Foundation, both Curriculum and Pedagogy impacts the quality of education delivered to the children. The methodology consisting of both cognitive and effective skills is required in order to promote the designated role of education in the life of a child. Pedagogy provided to the children is associated with the EYLF framework. It becomes important for the educator to adopt a holistic approach while providing education and guidance to the children. It becomes important for the educator to adopt those pedagogical practices that just not only promote the learning and development process of the child but also focuses on enhancing their self identity and confidence.

However, the researchers postulate that it may become difficult for the educators to provide pedagogy practices that are in line with the EYLF practices and guidelines. The focus of the present report will be to conduct interaction analysis in order to evaluate the significance of the pedagogical interaction in the video selected. The pedagogical interaction will be criticized on the basis of already present literature on early year learning foundation research area.

Interaction Analysis Video 1

Interaction Transcript

00:09 you put it on the table and then just

00:15 push it then we'll just wipe it all up

00:17 later there's some swish that one first

00:19 okay

00:21 swish it with your fingers wash my hands

00:25 quickly do what you know that's it okay

00:50 e is the a god did you undo it on the

00:55 table more like that for later

00:57 that's beautiful Clem your care people

00:59 bleeding heated run you like it real

Critical Analysis of the video

In the first line (00:09), started giving instructions of drawing to the child Clem. Till the fifth line (00:21) the educator is guiding Clem in colouring the table with water colours. This practice is not in line with the EYLF principle because the first principle of the EYLF states that it becomes important for the educator to make each child in the classroom feel significant and respected. The educator could have followed an approach in which she should have introduced the activity that was performed on that day.

However, she is giving all his attention to Clem in the video and is not focusing on the other child in the video. Clem seems to be very happy while learning the new activity from the educator. He is taking interest and is found to be active in participating in the activity. There is a gap in between 00:25 and 00:50 when the educator left Clem with the colours. In the absence of the teacher Clem followed the instructions of the teacher and started talking with the other child Clemmy in the classroom. Clem also asked Clemmy if she liked his colouring. When the educator returned at 00:50, the educator used the coloured table for recalling the alphabets to the child. She wrote e and the child immediately said elephant.

It can be evaluated that in the entire first 1 minute of the video it can be seen that the educator is on the one side of the table and gave most of her time to the boy standing on the left hand side of the table. Till, that time the other girl on the right is herself trying to imitate what the boy is doing. However, it becomes the responsibility of the educator to guide both the children equally and stand in the position where they are able to equal attention to all the children (Adamson et al., 2020). In the light of EYLF literature, the educator could have sat with the children for extended periods and observe the progress and learning of the child (Sinclair, 2019). However, in the video in the first minute of the learning process the educator left the children alone without even telling what to do to the girl Clemmy.

 It could be seen that later in the video after 1minute the educator gives attention to the girl in the video. From the starting of the video, it becomes important for the educator to responsive to all the children. It is the responsibility of the educator to construct an inclusive and collaborative environment in which the needs of all the children are equally given respect. The EYLF principles including High expectations and Equity and Partnerships can be applied to this scenario in order to understand that the educator in the scene failed to provide assistance to the children effectively. In the one minute of learning, the educator leaves the scene which clearly indicates the educator failed to develop partnership with the children (Armstrong, 2013).

A partnership development requires the educator to devote extra time to the development of the child. The educator also fails to respond to the learning needs of both of the children in the scene which also illustrates that the educator was not responsive and respectful to the educational needs of both the children. In the line that's beautiful “Clem your care people”, it can be evaluated that the educator was appreciating Clem and it has been found that such appreciation from the educator definitely boosts the motivation and confidence level of the child to participate in the activity. According to the principle 5 of EYLF, children are communicator from birth. It can be evaluated from the video that Clem tends to very happy after getting all the attention from his teacher.

It can be understood that the classroom depicted in the video does not fulfils the EYLF principle 3. According to which, it is the responsibility of the educators to promote inclusion in the classroom by addressing all the learning requirements of each child in the classroom. The principle depicts that each child in the classroom have the ability to succeed and it is the responsibility of the teacher to help the child in its development process. The another important finding of the video is that when attention is given to the child it makes the child happy and help in increasing the concentration of the child in classroom activities. However, it is important that this attention of the teacher is equally given to all the children in the classroom.

Interaction Analysis Video 2

Interaction Transcript

00:18 this river is really bumpy we're not out

00:21 to sea are we in the right we're in the

00:22 rivers see the big mermaid or is it a

00:28 dolphin dolphin over that side goodness

00:46 me he's gone let's go keep going are we

00:50 nearly there

01:22 [Music]

01:26 where was it quick let's get

Critical Analysis of the video

The line 0:18 depicts that the educator is creating a play scene in which they Daniel is sailing in the boat with his teacher. According to the EYLF literature, it is a very common notion that playing excites the child and brings smiles on their faces (Ortlipp et al., 2011). It can be seen in the video that educator has been able to effectively the child Daniel in the play. The play directed by the teacher developed thrill and pressure in the child which bought smile on his face. The literature in EYLF area also depict that non verbal communication signs are equally important like the verbal communication of a child (Sumsion, 2019). It can be seen in the video that Daniel is smiling which reflects that the child is enjoying the play directed by the educator.

During the play at 00:28 it can be seen that the teacher said “dolphin dolphin over that side goodness” which indicates that the educator wanted Daniel to increase their spectrum of imagination and tell the names of the animals that can be found in the sea. It can be seen that along with the children the educator is also acting like a kid and is enjoying the ride on the boat with Daniel. It can further be evaluated that the plot created by the educator in the video is in line with the EYLF principle. According to the EYLF principle 4, it can be understood that it is the responsibility of the educator to make the children active participants in learning process.

Therefore, it can be evaluated from the video that in order to increase the engagement of the educators in the learning process the teacher adopted the method of play way learning. The first principle of EYLF also state that the technique of reciprocal relationships can be adopted in order to effectively interact with the children and develop strong relationship with them. It can be seen in the video that the teacher herself is playing and imagining animals with Daniel which further increased the happiness of the child from the play and also helped children in gaining information regarding the animals that live in sea.

The Daniel is the child who is holding the steering wheel of the boat. In the video from 00:18 to 1:22, it can be seen that Daniel is enjoying the fun activity with the educator. The EYLF principles and practices emphasize the concept of play based learning. It has been seen in the video that with the play based learning concept Daniel is able to actively participate in the plot and is assuming mermaids and crocodiles around him. It could be evaluated from the first minute of the video that play based learning concept that definitely help the children in connecting better with their environment and grow both social and imagination skills.

It can be understood that the technique of play based learning is used for the motive of intentional teaching by the educator. It can be seen in the video that Daniel is enjoying the play structured by his teacher and is getting to know the names of all the animals that can be found in a sea in play way method (White & Fleer, 2019). The educator in the video is able to construct an environment for Daniel in which the educator is able to engage Daniel easily in the learning process. He is heading the boat which also refers to the concept of agency in which the confidence of the child increases and the child is also able to develop self identity (Sinclair, 2019).

It can be seen when Daniel is imaging and pointing towards animals in the sea, the educator is also acting to believe on the statement of the child which is further making Daniel very happy. This also means that the teacher is able to development a sense of capability and achievement among the students. According to the literature of EYLF, a play way method is effective in overall development of the child when it is iterative and interactive (Krieg, 2011). It can be evaluated from the video that the play directed by the educator is surely iterative because the Daniel in the video is able to try out new possibilities and try something out of the box activity for deep learning on the topic of type of animals that live in the sea.

The play developed by the teacher is also interactive because it can be seen that the Daniel is communicating is ideas and imaginations with the other children and educator involved in the play. Therefore, it can be understood that the play shown in the video will just not help Daniel in learning the names of the animals that live in the sea but will also learn to develop relationships with the other children in the learning environment. It can be evaluated that the educator in the video is able to teach in line with the EYLF principles and practices.

However, one approach that could have been improved is the sitting position of the educator in the video. There were many students on the boat but the position in which the educator was sitting only the children sitting on the first two seats were visible more to the teacher. In this way, the children sitting at the backwards can easily feel neglected. Therefore, the change in the sitting position of the teacher would have helped the teacher in increasing her attention towards all the children on the boat.

Interaction Analysis Video 3

Interaction Transcript

3:13 Let’s decorate with Lavender

3:20 smell that, its lovely, Lavender

3:33 Just smell the same, here you go

4:00 Animals

Critical Analysis of the video

The plot depicts the communication between a small girl child in purple top and an educator. In the video from the minute 3:13 an educator is trying to teach the small child the names of plants and animals. In the time 3:20 it can be seen that the teacher is helping the child in recognizing the smell of the plant. It can also be seen that when the teacher said smell that, its lovely, Lavender, the small child did as directed by the educator. The way in which the educator is sitting with the girl child reflects the extent of comfort ability the child is able to feel while being near the educator. Therefore, it can be evaluated that the teacher is able to develop a sense of belonging with the child which is very important for ensuring effective relationship and communication with the toddler.

According to the literature of EYLF it can be understood that the environment also plays a very important role in order to make conversations with the toddler effective. In this minute of the video (3:33 Just smell the same, here you go), the entire table in front of the child could be seen and it could be evaluated that the entire table had different types of plants and animals on it. Such environment can definitely support the learning and development process of the toddler. Under the EYLF, the concept of becoming is very important in the area of child communication and engagement. It can be seen in the video that the small child is imitating the actions done by the educator and is also following the instructions of the educator (Nolan & Raban, 2015).

Therefore, it could be evaluated that the toddler was able to effectively understand what the educator was trying to communicate to the child. The part of the video 3:33 Just smell the same, here you go also depicted that the educator was making the child do the same thing twice in order to develop that habit in the children. With this practice, the child will be able to understand the idea of different smells of different types of flowers. Therefore, it can be identified that the educator in the video also adopted the method of play way in order to conduct intentional teaching with the child.

In the light of EYLF literature, it can be understood that while communicating with the children it becomes important for the educator to focus on the successful transition of the children (Margetts & Raban-Bisby, 2011). Planning and conducting learning through play can be considered as one of the effective practices that can be adopted in order to increase the participation of the children in the learning process. The educator is using the term decorating in the part 3:13 (Let’s decorate with Lavender) but is actually helping the child in identifying the different kinds of flowers.

According to the EYLF literature, the nonverbal communication is also a very effective method for understanding the impact of the teaching process on the children (Harrison & Joerdens, 2017). While following the teaching instructions of the educator, the small girl child was making faces on different smells of the flowers which indicates that the child was actually trying to follow the instructions of the educator.

According to the EYLF, while dealing with the toddlers it also becomes important for the educator to leave the child alone with his toys alone so that the child can use her mind for creative things (Galbraith, 2017). In the video it can be seen that after introducing the small girl with the names of the flowers and the animals, the educator leaves the small girl with the toys and start engaging with the other children. Therefore, it can be understood that the interaction that took place between the small girl child and the educator helped the toddler in at least knowing the smells of different types of plants.

It can be seen in the video that the educator is following the role of the leader sensitively. The educator is taking the advantage of the things kept on the table for the enhancing the development of the child and her skills (Grajczonek, 2019). Therefore, it can be evaluated that the educator in the video is able to teach an interesting way of recognizing the plants.

The EYLF specifies the type of learning environment that needs to develop for the children under the age of 5 years when exposed to formal childcare setting. Therefore, it can be understood that the literature in the area of EYLF focuses on the aspect of space of teaching and learning in order to realize the benefits of pedagogy (Blewitt et al., 2020). Along with the location of teaching it is also important that the educator is able to address the educational needs of children. The education needs of the children changes with age. It can be understood from the video that the learning set up is as similar to a home so that all the children feel secure while learning. This feature of the learning setup shown in the video is in line with the EYLF principle of secure and respectful relationship (Fleer & Peers, 2018).

It becomes important for the educators to develop a creative, safe and secure learning environment for the children (Barblett, 2010). It becomes important for the educators to develop a positive and safe learning environment so that it becomes easy for the child to express their viewpoints and interact with other people in the environment freely (Davis, 2017). Therefore, in the video it can be understood that the educator is able to win the trust of the child and develop a strong relationship with the small girl because the girl child was hearing to the instructions of the educator effectively and was also able to follow the instructions. Therefore, it can be evaluated that the teacher in the video adopted teaching approaches in line with the EYLF principles and practices.

Conclusion on Interaction Analysis

Through the above interaction analysis it can be understood that the it is difficult for the educators to work in accordance with the EYLF principles all the time. The EYLF principles does not only regulates the teaching practices adopted by the teachers but also guides them on the basis of the developed learning environment and position in which they are interacting with the students in the learning set up. Therefore, it becomes important for the educators to effectively plan and implement teaching strategies for effectively addressing the learning needs of the children.

References for Interaction Analysis

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Blewitt, C., Morris, H., Jackson, K., Barrett, H., Bergmeier, H., O’Connor, A., ... & Skouteris, H. (2020). Integrating Health and Educational Perspectives to Promote Preschoolers’ Social and Emotional Learning: Development of a Multi-Faceted Program Using an Intervention Mapping Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(2), 575.

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